If you feel ready to meet yourself without icing and powder, face to face, with all (well, maybe not immediately all) talents and imperfections, with gentleness – WELCOME ❤
Ania Gubernat
For more information:
MindfulnessCourse is led by Anna Gubernat. Certified MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction; 2015) and MBCL (Mindfulness Based Compassionate Living; 2019) teacher, MBCL supervisor since 2021. She has completed the full Insight, MBLC (Mindfulness Based Living Course) and CBLC (Compassion Based Living Course) certification training, all three certified by the Mindfulness Association (UK). From 2014 to 2019, she was the president of the Polish Mindfulness Society, while studying Psychology at SWPS University in Warsaw, she founded and led the Mindfulness Study Circle from 2013 to 2018. She initiated the expansion of the Circle’s activities to other SWPS University’s Faculty of Overseas Studies, and independent Study Circles were established in Wroclaw, Sopot and Poznan.